Hi, my little very-very-very warm sun.

Your letters inspire me and make more happy. That's my turn to apologize. There is so few not-so-cold days to do something in the open air. Right now I'm terribly busy in building ma rooooooom inda haus )) Shortly saying it's an outhouse. I try to enlarge my living space for myself and by myself. It'll be second-floor-glass-tower. Very high and very tough. I hope you believe, that I’m a kinda tough guy, even if I'm not.))

Hey I’m ok, but it's not a word to describe: too short, too vague. To say ok means say nothing at all. Really. Yourself? Yep, you mean something like «I am on plush», «live in clover» or «live like a fighting cock» or even «at rack and manger».

No no no. Where is my little cute lady? You said that didn't feel unhappy in my absence and enjoy yourself with your friends (ma Aloha to all of them, esp. to girls). I admit that those don't sound very friendly, but what a hell !!! You are damned right! Life continues, let's «play the field». You know what I mean.

Letters, envelopes, post-stamps and ma terrible handwriting - it's all wiill bee yours. Really. When I find your address. Oh, men, they (sorr... WE, of course) are so forgetful and absent-minded. Nevar remember your date of birth and other VERY important things. Oh I so want to be your husband to see what you will do with me. Hey, that’s not a bad idea. Except one moment, I’m not so malicious to ruin your life. Hope you find your half-heart. You know the story, that people are just halves who lost each other some time and are always trying to find and reunion.

Oh, it’s so romantic. I like this idea. I found you seriously beautiful girl, like a spring gentle flower. We have some in Russia. They are like stars on the earth, covered with snow. And... but stop talking ‘bout U. I’m about snow. When white flies come, I get a lot of time. And will heap you up with whatever you want, letters, figures, pictures and other stuff.

I love you and steal your kiss. I know, when we were seeing last time you want me to kiss you. But I didn’t. It will be dishonestly, especially if we have very few chances to see each other again. Everything we have to do – just to be good pen-friend.

Keep warm. I send you some my cordiality to resist winter's coldness.

See you later. In some reincarnation. R. 心